The pub
today. [feb2012]
Source: Blog Come Here To Me; Dublin. Ireland;
February 7, 2012 by Donal Fallon
RAS 2018-01-11
Hotel bars are by no means the best bars. Yet Jury’s Hotel on
Dame Street contained a beautiful
antique bar, and when it was due to come under the hammer with the
closing of that hotel, it was to end up in the most unusual of places.
Jury’s stood in
what is today the location of the Central Bank on Dame Street. A grand premises, as the Irish Independent of October, 4, 1972 would note, with
95,000 sq. ft. in the 156 bedroom property on the corner of Dame Street and
Anglesea Street.
Only two doors away, construction was already underway on the
Central Bank.
There was due to be an auction on March 6th 1973 which would have seen the contents of the bar
auctioned, but a group of businessmen from Zurich purchased the bar for a five
figure sum in advance of this.
The bar was
to be removed to Zurich in its entirety, containing, among other
features “a marble-top counter, brass footrails,decorative wall panels and lead
light windows”.
Today, [2012] the pub
holds the name ‘The James Joyce Bar
& Restaurant
Of course, James
Joyce had strong connections with Zurich, having lived there and indeed being
buried in the Fluntern Cemetery near Zurich Zoo.
Joyce had left Zurich for Paris
in 1920, but returned in 1940 fleeing the fascist occupation of France.
over thirty years the antique bar of Jury’s Hotel from Dame Street has sat in Zurich,
named ironically in honour of a Dubliner who felt the need to leave Dublin to
make it as a writer.
DO EDITOR do Blog Ronald.Arquiteto e do Facebook Ronald Almeida Silva:
palavras e números entre [colchetes]; os destaques sublinhados, em negrito
e amarelo
bem como nomes próprios em CAIXA ALTA
e a numeração de parágrafos que
foram introduzidas na presente versão NÃO CONSTAM da edição original deste
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adendos ortográficos foram acrescidos meramente com intuito pedagógico de facilitar a leitura, a compreensão e
a captação mnemônica dos fatos mais relevantes do artigo por um espectro mais
amplo de leitores de diferentes formações, sem prejuízo do conteúdo cujo texto
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[Rio de
Janeiro, RJ, 02jun1947; reside em São Luís, MA, desde 1976]
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