quarta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2016


[1] WILL EISNER [06mar1917 – 03jan2005; aos 87 anos]

Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.

Acesso RAS em 24fev2016




3 de janeiro de 2005 (87 anos)
Área(s) de atuação
Trabalhos de destaque
William Erwin Eisner (Brooklyn, Nova York, 6 de março de 1917 Lauderdale Lakes, Flórida, 3 de janeiro de 2005), mais conhecido simplesmente como Will Eisner, foi um famoso e renomado quadrinista americano, que durante seus mais de 70 anos de carreira, atuou em diversas áreas que incluem como desenhista,roteirista, arte-finalista, editor, cartunista, empresário e publicitário.


Filho de judeus imigrantes oriundos do Império Austro-Húngaro, Eisner nasceu no distrito do Brooklyn, Nova York, Estados Unidos, onde passou sua juventude. Enquanto estudava no Instituto DeWitt Clinton, no também distrito nova-iorquino do Bronx, colaborou com Bob Kane na revista da escola. Em 1936 entrou para a equipe da revista WOW What a Magazine!, dirigida por Jerry Iger. Nesta revista Eisner criou diversas histórias: a série de aventuras Captain Scott Dalton; a história de piratas; The Flame, onde assinava com o nome de "Erwin"; a história de espionagem Harry Karry (com o pseudônimo de Bill Rensie), entre outras. No ano seguinte, com o fim da revista WOW, Eisner fundou com Iger o Eisner-Iger Studio, onde trabalharam grandes nomes das histórias em quadrinhos como Bob Kanee Jack Kirby. Até 1939, Eisner criou diversas séries como a história de piratas Hawks of the Seas.

Ao fim da década, Eisner e Iger dividiram sua sociedade. Iger passou a ser diretor de publicações da editora Fiction House, e Eisner passou a criar quadrinhos para a Quality Comics Group. Criou o personagem Doll Man e os da série Falcão Negro, ambientada na 2a Guerra Mundial. Dali, começou a produzir histórias no formato de 16 páginas do suplemento dominical dos jornais, onde apareciam sempre três histórias de várias páginas cada uma. 
Sua estréia foi em 2 de junho de 1940, e no princípio incluía The Spirit, Lady Luck e Mr. Mystic.
The Spirit é a história de um detetive mascarado, Denny Colt, um herói sem superpoderes que protege os habitantes da cidade fictícia de Central City. A série se destacou pela inovação dos enquadramentos quase cinematográficos, os efeitos de luz e sombra e as inovadoras técnicas narrativas, além da qualidade do roteiro e da arte. 

Sempre a presença de belas mulheres, cenas hilariantes, melodramáticas, mas que enfatizavam sobretudo o aspecto humano dos personagens. Em 13 de outubro de 1941 The Spirit começou a ser também publicado como tira diária. Eisner deixou a série em 1942 ao ser mobilizado pela Segunda Guerra Mundial, onde produziu pôsteres, ilustrações e histórias propagandísticas para o exército norte-americano.

A série The Spirit, que havia sido continuada por outros artistas devido à sua ausência, foi retomada por Eisner em 1945. Como página dominical, The Spirit prosseguiu até 28 de setembro de 1952, e é considerada uma das obras mais importantes das histórias em quadrinhos.
Ao mesmo tempo que desenhava The Spirit, Eisner fundou a American Visuals Corporation, empresa dedicada a criação de comics, vinhetas humorísticas e ilustrações, que acabou absorvendo a maior parte do seu tempo, separando-lhe da criação de histórias. Somente quando o editor holandês Olaf Stoop reeditou The Spirit, no começo dos anos 70, Eisner voltou a interessar-se pela criação de histórias em quadrinhos. Em 1978 criou Um Contrato com Deus (A Contract With God), que consiste em quatro histórias acerca da vida no Bronx nos anos 30. Um Contrato com Deus tem com freqüência, embora erroneamente, sido citada como a primeira graphic novel, no entanto, cartunista Richard Kyle tinha usado o termo em 1964, em um boletim de fã, alem de ter aparecido na capa da The First Kingdom (1974) de Jack Katz, com quem Eisner se correspondia.[1]

Depois desta obra, Eisner prosseguiu criando graphic novels com regularidade, como Life on Another Planet (1978), O Sonhador (The Dreamer, 1986), O Edifício (The Building, 1987), No Coração da Tempestade(In the Heart of the Storm, 1991), Invisible People (1991-92), entre outros. Um mês antes de morrer concluiu sua obra mais política, A Conspiração (The Plot, 2005), um ensaio gráfico sobre a história do livreto Os Protocolos dos Sábios de Sião. Eisner teve uma importância decisiva para demonstrar que histórias em quadrinhos não são meio de entretenimento apenas para crianças e adolescentes.
Além de sua carreira como quadrinista, Eisner ensinou Técnicas de Quadrinhos na Escola de Artes Visuais de Nova York, e escreveu obras fundamentais na criação de histórias em quadrinhos: Os Quadrinhos e a Arte Sequencial (Comics and Sequential Art) e A Narrativa Gráfica (Graphic Storytelling).
Em 1988 a indústria dos quadrinhos prestou tributo à Eisner criando o Prêmio Will Eisner, mais conhecido como "Eisners", que servem como uma premiação pelo "conjunto da obra" nas histórias em quadrinhos.
Will Eisner morreu em 3 de janeiro de 2005 em Laurderdale Lakes, Flórida, devido a complicações cardíacas depois de uma cirurgia em 22 de dezembro.


  1. Um Contrato com Deus - A Contract with God (1978, Baronet Books ISBN 0894370359; DC Comics' reissue ISBN 1563896745)
  2. Will Eisner Color Treasury (1981, Kitchen Sink) (ISBN 087816006X)
  3. Spirit Color Album (1981, Kitchen Sink) (ISBN 0878160027)
  4. Spirit Color Album, v2 (1983, Kitchen Sink) (ISBN 0878160108)
  5. Spirit Color Album, v3 (1983, Kitchen Sink) (ISBN 0878160116)
  6. Um Sinal do Espaço - Life on Another Planet (1983) (ISBN 0878163700)
  7. Quadrinhos e Arte Sequencial - Comics and Sequential Art (1985) (ISBN 0961472804)
  8. O Sonhador - The Dreamer (1986) (ISBN 1563896788)
  9. O Edíficio - The Building (1987) (ISBN 0878160248)
  10. A Força da Vida - A Life Force (1988) (ISBN 0878160388)
  11. Art of Will Eisner (1989 2nd ed, Kitchen Sink) (ISBN 0878160760)
  12. Outer Space Spirit (1989 Kitchen Sink) (ISBN 0878160124)
  13. Ao Coração da Tempestade - To The Heart Of The Storm (1991) (ISBN 1563896796)
  14. The Will Eisner Reader (1991) (ISBN 0878161295)
  15. Pessoas Invisíveis - Invisible People (1993) (ISBN 0878162089)
  16. Avenida Dropsie - Dropsie Avenue (1995) (ISBN 0878163484)
  17. Christmas Spirit (1995 Kitchen Sink) (ISBN 0878163093)
  18. Spirit Casebook (199x Kitchen Sink) (ISBN 0878160949)
  19. Narrativas Gráficas - Graphic Storytelling and Visual Narrative (1996) (ISBN 0961472839)
  20. A Princesa e o Sapo - The Princess and the Frog (1996) (ISBN 1561632449)
  21. All About P'Gell: Spirit Casebook II (1998 Kitchen Sink) (ISBN 0878164928)
  22. Assunto de Família - A Family Matter (1998) (ISBN 0878166211)
  23. O Último Dia no Vietnã - Last Day in Vietnam (2000) (ISBN 1569715009)
  24. O Último Cavaleiro Andante - The Last Knight (2000) (ISBN 1561632511)
  25. Pequenos Milagres - Minor Miracles (2000) (ISBN 1563897512)
  26. Nova Iorque: A Grande CidadeNew York: The Big City (2000) (ISBN 1563896826)
  27. The Spirit Archives: [Eisner não participou nos volumes 5 a 10]
Volume 1 (2000) (ISBN 1563896737)
Volume 2 (2000) (ISBN 1563896753)
Volume 3 (2001) (ISBN 1563896761)
Volume 4 (2001) (ISBN 1563897148)
Volume 11 (2003) (ISBN 1563899892)
Volume 12 (2003) (ISBN 1401200060)
Volume 13 (2004) (ISBN 1401201490)
Volume 14 (2004) (ISBN 140120158X)
Volume 15 (2005) (ISBN 1401201628)
Volume 16 (2005) (ISBN 1401204066)
28.    Will Eisner's Shop Talk (2001) (ISBN 156971536X)
29.    Fagin, o Judeu - Fagin the Jew (2003) (ISBN 0385510098)
30.    A Baleia Branca - Hawks of the Seas (2003) (ISBN 1569714274)
31.    Sundiata, o Leão de Mali - Sundiata: A Legend of Africa (2003) (ISBN 978-1-56163-332-6)
32.    O Nome do Jogo - The Name of the Game (2003) (ISBN 1563898691)
33.              The Plot: The Secret Story of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - A Conspiração: A História Secreta dos Protocolos dos Sábios de Sião (2005) (ISBN 0393060454)


·         Will Eisner era reverenciado não só pela indústria de quadrinhos norte-americana mas também pela escola européia, conhecida por um estilo muito particular.
·         Will Eisner era fascinado pelo Brasil, e visitou esse país sete vezes. Certa vez ele disse que não se mudava para o Brasil "porque não conseguia aprender a falar português". Mas havia uma palavra em português que ele adorava, e que não havia similar em inglês: saudade.
·         Will Eisner conta que ficou impressionado quando soube que Ziraldo, quadrinhista brasileiro famoso e que iria recebê-lo no aeroporto, tinha acabado de sair da prisão. Era 1975 e Ziraldo tinha sido "recolhido" pela ditadura militar brasileira. O mesmo Ziraldo conta que quando conheceu Will Eisner, tremia de nervoso: "Eu estava conhecendo aquele que mais povoou a minha imaginação infantil, e me inspirou a ser o que eu sou hoje".
·         No final da década de 90, Will Eisner dedicou-se a produzir versões em quadrinhos de vários clássicos da literatura. Entre eles, temos Moby Dick, O Último Cavaleiro Andante (Dom Quixote) e A Princesa e o Sapo. Posteriormente produziu Sundiata, uma lenda africana.
·         Uma curiosidade que Will Eisner conta é que ele sempre preferiu trabalhar com editoras pequenas, de forma que ele pudesse falar diretamente com o editor, e não ter que marcar audiências. Por isso ele publicou por um bom tempo pela Kitchen Sink Press, de Dennis Kitchen, e não por nenhuma das grandes do mercado (DC, Marvel, Image e Dark Horse).
Em 1999 foi produzido no Brasil o documentário Will Eisner: Profissão Cartunista, tratando da sua vida e obra, trabalho da produtora Scriptorium e a TV Senac.

[2] Will Eisner Biography
Illustrator (c. 1917–c. 2005)


Will Eisner was a cartoonist and writer known for creating Hawks of the Sea and, more notably, The Spirit.


From 1940–52, Will Eisner produced the first comic-book insert for Sunday newspapers, including perhaps his most admired creation, The Spirit. In the army in WWII, he used his comic art for educational purposes. He was internationally honored for his varied works, which include graphic novels and a history book (Comics and Sequential Art), and for his teaching at New York’s School of Visual Arts.


Cartoonist, writer, and publisher, born in New York City, New York, USA. After studying at the Arts Students' League in New York City, he became staff artist on the New York American, and in 1937 formed a ‘shop’ for mass-producing comic strips for Wags, turning out such strips as Sheena, and developing The Flame into the long-running weekly serial Hawks of the Seas. During 1940–52 he produced the first comic-book insert for Sunday newspapers that included perhaps his most admired creation, The Spirit. In the army in World War 2 he used his comic art for educational purposes. He has been internationally honoured for his varied achievements, which include graphic novels, a history book, Comics and Sequential Art (1985), and for his teaching at the New York School of Visual Arts (1973).

[3] Will Eisner
William Erwin Eisner
(6 March 1917 - 3 January 2005, USA)

Will Eisner, probably the godfather of American comics, was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1917, to Jewish immigrant parents. He went to school at De Witt Clinton High School in the Bronx, and his first drawings were published in the school's newspaper. He made his debut in comics in 1936, when WOW What a Magazine! published his first work, 'Harry Karry' and 'The Flame', as well as 'Hawks of the Sea' under the pen name Willis Rensie. The magazine folded, but Eisner teamed up with his friend Jerry Iger and founded the Eisner-Iger Studio.
They produced a tremendous amount of comics in all genres and styles for the American, British and Australian markets, and recruited young artists such as Bob KaneLou Fine, and Jack Kirby. A memorable title Eisner made in this period is 'Hawk of the Seas', which originally started as 'The Flame'. The shop also created 'Sheena, Queen of the Jungle' and 'Muss em Up'. Eisner signed most of his work with Erwin Willis B. Rensie, Willis Nerr or Will Erwin at the time, and he also began his own Universal Phoenix Features syndicate.

In 1939, Will Eisner left the studio to join the Quality Comics Group, where he started out by creating comics like 'Doll Man', 'Uncle Sam', 'Wonder Man', 'Lady Luck' (with Nick Cardy) and 'Black Hawk'. By 1940, he worked on a syndicated 16-page newspaper supplement for which he created his most famous comic, 'The Spirit'.

This innovative strip about a masked detective soon became the most popular feature of the comics section and it was renamed The Spirit Section. Eisner's style stood out for the use of so-called "splash-pages" - one picture filling the page like a movie poster with the lettering fully integrated into the image - and his unmatched capacity for rendering atmospheres: mist, nighttime skies, fuming sewers, and the like. 'The Spirit' was featured in a daily strip from 1941 and in comic books from 1942.
In 1942, Will Eisner was drafted into the Army and served his country by producing posters, illustrations and strips like 'Private Dogtag' and 'Joe Dope' for the education and entertainment of the troops, which appeared in publications like The Flaming Bomb, Fire Power and Army Motors. When he returned, he resumed 'The Spirit' (which had been drawn by others in his absence) and started cooperation with young artists like Jules Feiffer and Wally Wood. He also launched new titles like Baseball, Kewpied, Pirate Comics and John Law Comics, but these never reached the popularity of 'The Spirit'.

Will Eisner founded the American Visuals Corporation, which created comics, cartoons and illustrations for educational and commercial purposes. One title Eisner revived was 'Joe Dope', a strip about a soldier he created during the war. The work for his corporation proved so lucrative, that Eisner abandoned 'The Spirit'. Dutch editor Olaf Stoop of The Real Free Press reprinted 'The Spirit' in the early 1970s and revived the interest in Eisner's work. This prompted Eisner to create 'A Contract With God' in 1978, four short stories about life in the Bronx slums in the 1930s, told with such literary agility and graphic accomplishment, that a new comics form was born: the graphic novel.
For the celebration of our 15th anniversary in 1983, Lambiek published a translettered Yiddish version of the lead story of 'A Contract With God', in the old germanic hebrew or Latin lettering ('An Opmakh mit Got'), which are still available.
Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, Kitchen Sink Press published Eisner's following graphic novels, like 'The Building', 'The Dreamer' (in which he describes his Spirit days, telling the tales of the time when comic artists were more like conveyor belt workers - obliged to work on pages with pre-printed panels) 'A Family Matter' and the semi-autobiographical 'To the Heart of the Storm'. Eisner continued to made graphic novells in the 2000s, this time published by DC.
In addition to his many graphic novels, Eisner adapted literary classics to comics at NBM, such as 'The Last Knight - An Introduction to Don Quixote', 'Moby Dick', 'The Princess and the Frog' and 'Sundiata'. His 'Fagin the Jew', published by Doubleday in 2003, gave a personal look Dickens' secondary character from 'Oliver Twist'. His last graphic novel was 'The Plot', an account of the making of the anti-semitic hoax 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion'. It was completed shortly before his death and published in 2005.
Besides these, Eisner also started out in the field of comics theory. His 'Comics and Sequential Art' is a classic in its own right, and would later inspire Scott McCloud in the making of his monumental work, 'Understanding Comics'.

Will Eisner can rightly be considered as the godfather of American comics, not only for adding 'The Spirit' to the long list of brilliant American comic strips, but especially for proving that comics can match literature and are not just a dubious means of entertainment for children (as many people thought in the 1950s). Eisner was a teacher at the School of Visual Arts in New York and wrote two standard works on the creative process of making comics, 'Comics and Sequential Art' and 'Graphic Storytelling'. In 1988, the Eisner Awards were established, coveted comics prizes which Eisner presided over at the yearly Comic-Con in San Diego.
Sadly, Will Eisner passed away on 3 January 2005 at the age of 87, following quadruple bypass heart surgery. He is greatly missed, but his wonderful comics and stories will live on forever.
Letter to Kees, by Will Eisner 2003
Artwork © 2005 Will Eisner
Website © 1994-2016 Lambiek
Last updated: 2014-05-06

[4] [WILL EISNER] A short biography


 WILL EISNER was born William Erwin Eisner on March 6, 1917 in Brooklyn, New York. By the time of his death on January 3, 2005, following complications from open heart surgery, Eisner was recognized internationally as one of the giants in the field of sequential art, a term he coined.
In a career that spanned nearly seventy years and eight decades — from the dawn of the comic book to the advent of digital comics — he truly was the 'Orson Welles of comics' and the 'father of the Graphic Novel'. He broke new ground in the development of visual narrative and the language of comics and was the creator of The Spirit, John Law, Lady Luck, Mr. Mystic, Uncle Sam, Blackhawk, Sheena and countless others.
One of the comic industry's most prestigious awards, The Eisner Award, is named after him. Recognized as the 'Oscars' of the American comic book business, the Eisners are presented annually before a packed ballroom at Comi-Con International in San Diego, America's largest comics convention.
Wizard magazine named Eisner "the most influential comic artist of all time."Michael Chabon's Pulitzer-prize winning novel Kavalier and Clay is based in good part on Eisner. Also in 2002, Eisner received a Lifetime Achievement Awardfrom the National Federation for Jewish Culture, only the second such honor in the organization's history, presented by Pulitzer-prize winning cartoonist Art Spiegelman.
An authorized biography, Will Eisner: A Spirited Life by Bob Andelman, was published in 2005. A new biography, Will Eisner: A Dreamer's Life in Comicsby Michael Schumacher has been released in 2010 by Bloomsbury.
A film documentary about Eisner's career, "Will Eisner: Portrait of a Sequential Artist" from Montilla Pictures (Andrew and Jon B. Cooke), premiered at the 2007 Tribeca Film Festival.

[5] Will Eisner [06mar1917 – 03jan2005]

 Cartoonist / Illustrator / Writer
 Source: Copyright © 1998-2016 by Who2?, LLC. All rights reserved.
Born: 6 March 1917
Died: 3 January 2005
Birthplace: Brooklyn,
Best known as: Creator of the comic The Spirit
Will Eisner was the innovative and influential illustrator who is often referred to as the "grandfather" of the graphic novel. Eisner got his start drawing comic strips in New York in the 1930s. His greatest success was The Spirit(1940-52), a newspaper comic strip about a wisecracking, masked detective. After he ended the strip, Eisner became a publisher and illustrator of commercial and educational comics until the 1970s. His work on The Spirit had by then been rediscovered by a new generation of fans and artists, and Eisner left the world of publishing to focus on teaching and creative projects. He went to work on what he called "sequential art" and explored the boundaries of storytelling and traditional comics. His 1978 book A Contract With God is considered to be the first graphic novel, a genre Eisner worked in for the rest of his career. His other graphic novels include The Building (1987), Last Day in Vietnam (2000) and Fagin the Jew (2003); he also authored two non-fiction books, Comics and Sequential Art (1985) and Graphic Storytelling (1996). At the time of his death, Eisner was finishing another graphic novel, Plot: The Secret Story of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Extra credit:
In the late 1930s Eisner and Jerry Iger owned Eisner-Iger Studios, the early home of future legends Bob Kane (creator of Batman) and Jack Kirby (Stan Lee‘s partner and co-creator of Spider-Man)… While Eisner served in the U.S. Army (1942-45), artist Jules Feiffer was in charge of The Spirit… The Eisner Award, established in 1988 and given out at the annual comic art gathering known as the Comic-Con, is one of the most esteemed honors in the comics industry.

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