quarta-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2020



Compilação / Edição: Ronald Almeida. SLz-MA. 2020-01-08


Official Name: Islamic Republic of Iran

Head of State: President H.E. Dr. Hassan Rouhani

National Day: 11th of February (Islamic Revolution of Iran-1979)

Capital: Tehran

Area: 1,648,196 sq km

Population: 79.109.272 million

Religion. Muslim. 99.56%
Zoroastrian, Christian & Jewish 0.44%

Languages . Persian and Persian dialects

Border Countries: Afghanistan, Azerbaijan (Nakhichevan), Armenia, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan

Climate: Mostly arid or semi-arid, temperate along Caspian coast and mountainous temperate along west and north-west.

Natural Resources: Petroleum, natural gas, coal, chromium, copper, iron ore, lead, manganese,




Source: The White House;  Issued on: January 3, 20203:13 P.M. EST
Mar-a-Lago; Palm Beach, Florida
Access RAS 2020-01-08

1.     Hello, everybody.  Well, thank you very much.  And good afternoon.
2.     As President, my highest and most solemn duty is the defense of our nation and its citizens.
3.     Last night [02jan2020], at my direction, the United States military successfully executed a flawless precision strike that killed the number-one terrorist anywhere in the world, QASEM SOLEIMANI.
4.     Soleimani was plotting imminent and sinister attacks on American diplomats and military personnel, but we caught him in the act and terminated him.
5.     Under my leadership, America’s policy is unambiguous: To terrorists who harm or intend to harm any American, we will find you; we will eliminate you.  We will always protect our diplomats, service members, all Americans, and our allies.
6.     For years, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and its ruthless Quds Force — under Soleimani’s leadership — has targeted, injured, and murdered hundreds of American civilians and servicemen.
7.     The recent attacks on U.S. targets in Iraq, including rocket strikes that killed an American and injured four American servicemen very badly, as well as a violent assault on our embassy in Baghdad, were carried out at the direction of SOLEIMANI.
8.     Soleimani made the death of innocent people his sick passion, contributing to terrorist plots as far away as New Delhi and London.
9.     Today we remember and honor the victims of Soleimani’s many atrocities, and we take comfort in knowing that his reign of terror is over.
10.                       Soleimani has been perpetrating acts of terror to destabilize the Middle East for the last 20 years.  What the United States did yesterday should have been done long ago.  A lot of lives would have been saved.
11.                       Just recently, SOLEIMANI led the brutal repression of protestors in Iran, where more than a thousand innocent civilians were tortured and killed by their own government.
12.                       We took action last night to stop a war.  We did not take action to start a war.
13.                       I have deep respect for the Iranian people.  They are a remarkable people, with an incredible heritage and unlimited potential.  We do not seek regime change.  However, the Iranian regime’s aggression in the region, including the use of proxy fighters to destabilize its neighbors, must end, and it must end now.
14.                       The future belongs to the people of Iran — those who seek peaceful coexistence and cooperation — not the terrorist warlords who plunder their nation to finance bloodshed abroad.
15.                       The United States has the best military by far, anywhere in the world.  We have best intelligence in the world.  If Americans anywhere are threatened, we have all of those targets already fully identified, and I am ready and prepared to take whatever action is necessary.  And that, in particular, refers to Iran.
16.                       Under my leadership, we have destroyed the ISIS territorial caliphate, and recently, American Special Operations Forces killed the terrorist leader known as AL-BAGHDADIThe world is a safer place without these monsters.
17.                       America will always pursue the interests of good people, great people, great souls, while seeking peace, harmony, and friendship with all of the nations of the world.
18.                       Thank you.  God bless you.  God bless our great military.  And God bless the United States of America.  Thank you very much.  Thank you.
3:18 P.M. EST



Source: The White House site;  Issued on: January 8, 202011:28 A.M. EST; Grand Foyer
Access RAS 2020-01-08

1.     As long as I am President of the United States, Iran will never be allowed to have a nuclear weapon.
2.     Good morning. I’m pleased to inform you: The American people should be extremely grateful and happy no Americans were harmed in last night’s attack by the Iranian regime. We suffered no casualties, all of our soldiers are safe, and only minimal damage was sustained at our military bases.
3.     Our great American forces are prepared for anything.  Iran appears to be standing down, which is a good thing for all parties concerned and a very good thing for the world.
4.     No American or Iraqi lives were lost because of the precautions taken, the dispersal of forces, and an early warning system that worked very well.  I salute the incredible skill and courage of America’s men and women in uniform.
5.     For far too long — all the way back to 1979, to be exact — nations have tolerated Iran’s destructive and destabilizing behavior in the Middle East and beyond.  Those days are over.  Iran has been the leading sponsor of terrorism, and their pursuit of nuclear weapons threatens the civilized world.  We will never let that happen.
6.     Last week, we took decisive action to stop a ruthless terrorist from threatening American lives.  At my direction, the United States military eliminated the world’s top terrorist, QASEM SOLEIMANI.  As the head of the Quds Force, SOLEIMANI was personally responsible for some of the absolutely worst atrocities.
7.     He trained terrorist armies, including HEZBOLLAH, launching terrorist strikes against civilian targets.  He fueled bloody civil wars all across the region.  He viciously wounded and murdered thousands of U.S. troops, including the planting of roadside bombs that maim and dismember their victims.
8.     SOLEIMANI directed the recent attacks on U.S. personnel in Iraq that badly wounded four service members and killed one American, and he orchestrated the violent assault on the U.S. embassy in Baghdad.  In recent days, he was planning new attacks on American targets, but we stopped him.
9.     SOLEIMANI’s hands were drenched in both American and Iranian blood.  He should have been terminated long ago.  By removing SOLEIMANI, we have sent a powerful message to terrorists: If you value your own life, you will not threaten the lives of our people.
10. As we continue to evaluate options in response to Iranian aggression, the United States will immediately impose additional punishing economic sanctions on the Iranian regime. These powerful sanctions will remain until Iran changes its behavior.
11. In recent months alone, Iran has seized ships in international waters, fired an unprovoked strike on Saudi Arabia, and shot down two U.S. drones.
12. Iran’s hostilities substantially increased after the foolish Iran nuclear deal was signed in 2013, and they were given $150 billion, not to mention $1.8 billion in cash.  Instead of saying “thank you” to the United States, they chanted “death to America.”  In fact, they chanted “death to America” the day the agreement was signed.
13. Then, Iran went on a terror spree, funded by the money from the deal, and created hell in Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, and Iraq.  The missiles fired last night at us and our allies were paid for with the funds made available by the last administration.  The regime also greatly tightened the reins on their own country, even recently killing 1,500 people at the many protests that are taking place all throughout Iran.
14. The very defective JCPOA expires shortly anyway, and gives Iran a clear and quick path to nuclear breakout.  Iran must abandon its nuclear ambitions and end its support for terrorism.  The time has come for the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Russia, and China to recognize this reality.
15. They must now break away from the remnants of the Iran deal -– or JCPOA –- and we must all work together toward making a deal with Iran that makes the world a safer and more peaceful place.  We must also make a deal that allows Iran to thrive and prosper, and take advantage of its enormous untapped potential.  Iran can be a great country.
16. Peace and stability cannot prevail in the Middle East as long as Iran continues to foment violence, unrest, hatred, and war.  The civilized world must send a clear and unified message to the Iranian regime: Your campaign of terror, murder, mayhem will not be tolerated any longer.  It will not be allowed to go forward.
17. Today, I am going to ask NATO to become much more involved in the Middle East process.  Over the last three years, under my leadership, our economy is stronger than ever before and America has achieved energy independence.  These historic accompliments [accomplishments] changed our strategic priorities.  These are accomplishments that nobody thought were possible.  And options in the Middle East became available.  We are now the number-one producer of oil and natural gas anywhere in the world.  We are independent, and we do not need Middle East oil.
18. The American military has been completely rebuilt under my administration, at a cost of $2.5 trillion.  U.S. Armed Forces are stronger than ever before.  Our missiles are big, powerful, accurate, lethal, and fast.  Under construction are many hypersonic missiles.
19. The fact that we have this great military and equipment, however, does not mean we have to use it.  We do not want to use it.  American strength, both military and economic, is the best deterrent.
20. Three months ago, after destroying 100 percent of ISIS and its territorial caliphate, we killed the savage leader of ISIS, AL-BAGHDADI, who was responsible for so much death, including the mass beheadings of Christians, Muslims, and all who stood in his way.  He was a monster.  AL-BAGHDADI was trying again to rebuild the ISIS caliphate, and failed.
21. Tens of thousands of ISIS fighters have been killed or captured during my administration.  ISIS is a natural enemy of Iran.  The destruction of ISIS is good for Iran, and we should work together on this and other shared priorities.
22.  Finally, to the people and leaders of Iran: We want you to have a future and a great future — one that you deserve, one of prosperity at home, and harmony with the nations of the world.  The United States is ready to embrace peace with all who seek it.
23.   I want to thank you, and God bless America.  Thank you very much.  Thank you.  Thank you.

11:37 A.M. EST


Rebuilding U.S. deterrence to preserve peace through strength must be our Nation’s top priority.
The unprecedented era of peace that followed World War II revealed that the free world is safest when America is strongest.
The slow depletion of our military in recent years has resulted in an escalation of threats the world over, which President TRUMP is committed to reversing.
Access RAS 2020-01-08

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NOTAS DO EDITOR do Blog Ronald.Arquiteto e do Facebook Ronald Almeida Silva:

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Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 02jun1947; reside em São Luís, MA, Brasil desde 1976.
Arquiteto Urbanista FAU-UFRJ 1972 / Registro profissional CAU-BR A.107.150-5
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