quarta-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2016


Facebook em 02dez2016. 
revisão em 21abr2020


SISY ARIAS, bela morena tipo top model, de 29 anos, estreava naquele dia na aviação civil como copiloto informal do voo LMI 2933, sob o comando do COMANDANTE MIGUEL QUIROGA e do Flight Officer OVAR GOITYA. 

(ver reportagem abaixo do jornal MIRROR, de Londres.)



NOTA RAS: Inexplicavelmente, a relação abaixo não consta do Relatório Preliminar 2016 e nem do Relatório Final 2017 da GRIAA.

Despachante da LAMIA; que forçou liberação de PLANO DE VÔO ilegal / irregular pela autoridade boliviana;
Técnico da aeronave
Técnico da aeronave, (resgatado com vida).
Representante da LAMIA
Piloto da aeronave; 36 anos; comandante, autor do plano de vôo; sócio proprietário da LAMIA Co. SLR
Copiloto = Flight Officer (47 anos)
Assistente de voo
Copiloto (trainee?), 29 anos, voando pela primeira vez na função
Auxiliar de voo (comissária de bordo resgatada com vida).
Compilação e edição: Ronald de Almeida Silva; 21abr2020
(*) Três pilotos responsáveis pelo PLANO DE VÔO e condução da aeronave até o seu destino final. Os três foram negligentes em excesso e desde o início do vôo transgrediram todas as normas essenciais de segurança da aviação commercial.


RAS. 2020-04-21
     MIGUEL QUIROGA, O PILOTO BOLIVIANO COMANDANTE DO VOO LAMIA LMI 2933 E SEUS 2 COPILOTOS: OVAR GOYTIA e SISY ARIAS! Os 3 principais responsáveis pela chacina da Chapecoense que faziam “roleta russa” com combustível no limite da tragédia, conforme comprova o PLANO DE VOO homicida.


1.  MIGUEL ALEJANDRO QUIROGA MURAKAMI, 36 anos, era o Comandante, Piloto boliviano (e sócio da empresa LAMIA Corporation SRL, sediada na Bolívia; locadora do avião) que estava no controle do voo LMI 2933 que transportava a delegação da Chapecoense e que não chegou ao destino devido a uma sucessão inacreditável de erros graves por parte de autoridades no solo, dos proprietários da operadora e, principalmente da tripulação do voo (comandante e 2 copilotos).



Pilot Micky Quiroga with a signed football. Credit: Facebook

2.  O avião quadrimotor turbohélice, fabricação British Aerospace – BAE modelo 146 AVRO RJ85, (registro CP-2933) teve um fim dramático e DOLOSO: por FALTA DE COMBUSTÍVEL (pane seca, que causou a parada dos 4 motores em pleno voo e uma pane elétrica) e não adoção das normas internacionais mais elementares de comunicação da tripulação com a torre de controle – a aeronave se chocou, pouco depois de meia-noite (hora de Brasília) do dia 29nov2016 no topo da montanha de Cerro El Gordo, a 2.600 metros de altitude, a apenas 4 minutos de voo ou 36 km de seu destino final, o aeroporto internacional José María Córdoba (ICAO: SKRG), em Rionegro, na Região da Grande Medellin, segunda maior cidade da Colômbia.

3. Como responsável pelo PLANO DE VÔO e negligenciando normas do fabricante do avião, das ciências aeronáuticas e das autoridades internacionais de aviação civil, MIGUEL QUIROGA, 36 anos, foi o maior responsável pelo acidente que matou a si mesmo e outras 70 pessoas a bordo do Avro-RJ85. Esse era o único avião operacional da LAMIA, da qual MIGUEL QUIROGA era sócio e piloto (empresa aberta na Bolívia em julho 2015). Outros 2 AVROS estavam inoperantes e/ou em manutenção, pois a LAMIA tinha sérios problemas financeiros.

4. Para complicar e tornar irreversível mais ainda o cenário dramático dos últimos minutos que antecederam à queda do avião, MIGUEL QUIROGA, além do copiloto oficial (OVAR GOYTIA, 47 anos, ver “Flight Officer” no Relatório Final de Investigação da GRIAA; 2017) levava uma outra pessoa – uma bela jovem de 29 anos -de carona no cokpit!

5. Essa terceira pessoa no cockpit do AVRO era uma mulher piloto profissional (trainee? em uniforme de trabalho) mas sem experiência alguma anterior em copilotagem em situações críticas de vôo: SISY ARIAS, bela morena tipo top model, de 29 anos, que estreava naquele dia na aviação civil como copiloto de carona no voo LMI 2933 (ver reportagens da Folha Press, ABC News e Daily Mirror com vídeo e nota 2.3.2. pág. 66, do Relatório Final dos investigadores da GRIAA, ao fim deste texto).

Source: Mirror; by Steve Robsonrachel Bishop; 20:50, 1 DEC 2016; updated; 22:39, 1 DEC 2016

6. Nem a imprensa, nem as autoridades da aviação civil, nem a polícia, nem os especialistas em segurança de voo e nem os dirigentes da Chapecoense no Brasil comentam o fato de que um COPILOTO experiente e com personalidade e discernimento profissional poderia ter evitado a queda do avião, se estivesse fazendo seu papel de coadjuvante responsável, examinando as reservas de combustível e alertando o seu comandante sobre eventuais falhas e inconsistências na comunicação deste com a torre de controle.

O copiloto (no caso OVAR GOYTIA), obrigatoriamente, é treinado para – em casos de emergência ou impedimento do piloto principal (comandante do voo) – assumir o pleno comando da aeronave, levando-a até seu destino final em segurança. Além disso, o copiloto deve estar plenamente qualificado para observação e análise de parâmetros vitais de voo, tais como: leitura e avaliação do plano voo; velocidade, altitude; pressões, temperaturas, marchas, rotações por minuto de um motor, consumo de combustível, entre outros.

8. O copiloto não pode ter uma postura indiferente ao que acontece na cabine e nem poderia deixar de examinar o PLANO DE VOO. SISY ARIAS, ao que tudo indica, parece que não deu uma palavra (não há uma gravação sequer em que se ouça sua voz com algum alerta) e se comportou, ingênua e irresponsavelmente, como um copiloto autista e kamikaze! SISY ARIAS não é identificada e nem comentada em nenhuma reportagem como uma das duas co-responsáveis (os 2 copilotos) pelo assassinato de 69 outras pessoas.

9.  Igualmente e de modo inexplicável, o Relatório Final da GRIAA não cita o nome do copiloto de 47 anos (OVAR GOYTIA) que estaria também no vôo como FIRST FLIGHT OFFICER, portanto com responsabilidades bem maiores do que SISY ARIAS, que parece estava apenas viajando de carona para acumular horas de voo e experiência em copilotagem de AVRO RJ85. Os investigadores simplesmente afirmam que não sabem o que essa 3ª pessoa estaria fazendo na cabine de comando! Ver nota 2.3.2.

10.Arriscando tudo, ignorando as normas internacionais, mesmo com 2 copilotos (OVAR GOYTIA, um copiloto sênior experiente com quase 1.500 horas de vôo em AVROs  e SISY ARIAS como trainee), deixando de fazer uma imprescindível escala de reabastecimento em Cobija, MIGUEL QUIROGA se transformou de piloto hábil e simpático em brutal e insano INSTANT KILLER, ou seja, um assassino instantâneo de 71 pessoas, entre elas 44 dos 47 membros da Delegação da Chapecoense, 20 dos 21 profissionais da imprensa e, além dele próprio, OVAR GOYTIA e SISY ARIAS e mais 4 colegas da tripulação (total 9 membros, incluindo 5 caronas sem função oficial específica na operação do voo! Dos quais 2 sobreviveram).

 11. UMA TRAGÉDIA ANUNCIADA QUE NUNCA PODERIA TER ACONTECIDO se as autoridades bolivianas da aviação civil tivessem pelo menos o mínimo de rigor ao examinar o Plano de Voo de cada aeronave antes de autorizar a decolagem.

12. De igual modo, erraram os também os contratantes do voo, que o fizeram em nome da Chapecoense, os quais não tiveram a mínima curiosidade de fazer algum questionamento lógico sobre as condições daquele tipo de aeronave de aviação regional (capaz de voar no máximo 3.000 km = range) para realizar um voo de 2.975 km, em condições seguras, sem reserva de segurança de combustível, obrigatória, e pior: sem previsão de reabastecimento!!!

13. O voo, contratado por US$ 130,000 dólares, foi muito barato, pechincha. Mas ao final, saiu muito caro, caríssimo, com o preço impagável de 71 vidas e milhões de dólares de despesas de resgate com centenas de pessoas, dezenas de veículos, helicópteros, primeiros socorros, hospitais, necropsias, pompas fúnebres, traslado dos corpos e indenizações de seguradoras.

14. MUITOS ERROS GRAVÍSSIMOS E MUITAS MORTES EVITÁVEIS. Que ao menos tanto sacrifício de vidas e a comoção internacional sirvam de lição para as autoridades de aviação civil, para as autoridades desportivas, para os atletas e repórteres, as seguradoras, as companhias aéreas, os fabricantes de aviões, para que se criem instrumentos e mecanismos que impeçam um avião de ser contratado sem a devida autonomia e que seja proibido de decolar sem um plano de voo seguro, consistente e comprovantemente eficiente.

15. Que Deus abençoe às 71 pessoas que morreram; assim como às 6 que sobreviveram e às suas famílias e a todos os homens e mulheres colombianos que se embrenharam a pé subindo uma montanha de 2.600 m numa noite de muito frio e chuva para salvar vidas e recuperar os corpos.

Ronald de Almeida Silva, 72 anos. (73 em 02jun2020)
Arquiteto urbanista, filho de aeronauta; ex-futuro cadete da aeronáutica, leitor pesquisador e apreciador da aviação.

ACCIDENT COL-16-37-GIA 29 November 2016
Fuel Exhaustion
AVRO 146-RJ85, Reg. CP 2933
Municipality of La Unión, Department of Antioquia – Colombia
[Operator LAMIA]

Nota 2.3.2. pág. 66,
[2.3.2.] In the cockpit (jumpseat) there was a person who was neither a passenger nor a crew member; However, due to the evidence found at the accident site, it was determined that the occupant was a pilot, but he did not work as such for the company. Neither was it possible to determine the reason why he was on board and, also, the functions he performed, even though he was included in the "General Declaration" as co-pilot without being one; However, in the CVR recording it was established that he was indeed there in the development of the flight and he even had the opportunity to ask the pilots about the fuel status.

License: Air Transport PILOT
Nacionality: Bolivian
Medial Certificate: Class I
Last check on type: 15 February 2016 (annual)
Total flight hours: 6,692:51Hrs (LAMIA Records 20 Nov 2016)
Total hours on type: 3,417:41Hrs (LAMIA Records 20 Nov 2016)

License: Air Transport
Pilot Nacionality: Bolivian
Medical Certificate: Class I
Last check on type: 03 July 2016
Total flight hours: 6,923.32 (LAMIA records 20 Nov 2016)
Total hours on type: 1,474.29 (LAMIA records 20 Nov 2016)
1.1.1        Route: Santa Cruz, Bolivia (SLVR) – Rionegro, Colombia (SKRG)
  1. On board, the CREW [of 4 persons] was conformed by:
·         the commander,
·         a co-pilot and
·         two cabin crew.
  1. Likewise, seventy-three (73) passengers were on board; among which included:
·         a technician,
·         a company dispatcher, and
·         a pilot who occupied the observer seat in the cockpit.  [????]



Tragic model promises Chapecoense footballers 'great service' during interview filmed in cockpit moments before co-piloting doomed flight


Ø Sisy Arias, 29, was flying for the first time as a civilian co-pilot, when the plane ploughed into a mountain, killing the majority of the Brazilian football team Chapecoense

Source: Mirror; by Steve Robsonrachel Bishop; 20:50, 1 DEC 2016; updated; 22:39, 1 DEC 2016



Footage of a model co-pilot killed in the Chapecoense plane crash reveal her final words from the cockpit of the doomed aircraft. SISY ARIAS, 29, was flying for the first time as a civilian co-pilot, when the plane ploughed into a mountain on the way to Medellin, Columbia.

Ms Arias was among 71 people killed in the crash alongside the majority of the Brazilian football team Chapecoense. Six people survived. Tributes have been paid to the young woman as footage emerged of her speaking about how the flight crew hoped to offer the football team the best service.

Sisy Arias spoke in the cockpit moments before the flight

The 29-year-old was flying for the first time 
as a civilian co-pilot

She said: "One thing that is very important to know is that the team is using a Bolivian airline to take them to Medellin, even though they are a Brazilian team."

Ms Arias' father and brother paid tribute to her as investigators confirmed the plane which crashed in Columbia killing 71 people had no fuel at the point of impact.

Her father, Jorge Arias, a Colombian journalist, revealed his daughter’s death on social media.
He wrote: “I hope God will keep her in his glory. My girl, I love you, I loved you and I will always love you.”

Tributes have poured in for the former model killed in the Colombia plane crash
Sisy's father Jorge Arias revealed his daughter’s death on social media

Her brother, Junior Arias Paravicini, wrote on Facebook: 
"Dear Sister I'm going to miss the rest of my life I have left, I have no words to express all the pain and emptiness I feel.
"You were my soul mate and you left me, you left us, to our fathers, your sons, your brothers and all the people who loved you, you were the most noble person I've ever met.
"Hope to see you again when God by the end of my road. My illusion of seeing you alive is dead. I love you, until forever dear sister of the soul."

Sisy's brother, Junior Arias Paravicini, wrote on Facebook: "I have no words to express all the pain and emptiness I feel."
Ms Arias was among 71 people killed in the crash alongside the majority of the Brazilian football team Chapecoense

La Mia Flight 2933 plummeted into a mountainside shortly after declaring an electrical failure on Tuesday. The lack of an explosion or any fire suggested the plane did not have any fuel when it went down.

At a press conference, civil aviation chief Alfredo Bocanegra said: "Upon arriving at the scene of the accident, and having been able to do an inspection of all of the remains and parts of the plane, we can affirm, clearly, that the aircraft did not have fuel at the moment of impact.

"Therefore, we have begun a process to investigate to clear up for what reason this aircraft had no fuel at the time of impact."


Brazilian football team Chapecoense players with pilot Miguel Quiroga (Photo: FuerzaChapecoe/Twitter)

It comes as the family of the pilot spoke of their heartbreak.
MIGUEL ALEJANDRO QUIROGA MURAKAMI was in control when ithe flight crashed just 30km from its final destination of Medellin airport.
Investigators are now urgently examining the plane's black box to determine what caused the crash.
But initial evidence suggests the plane may simply have run out of fuel after flying beyond its capacity.
Another pilot who was flying in the area at the time claims he heard Quiroga on the radio saying "there's no fuel" and "Help us!" before screaming "We're going down".


Today Denise Pinto, speaking on behalf of the Quiroga family, said: "The atmosphere in the house is one of total sadness, we still can't believe it.
"We know that Miguel did everything possible to save the crew and everyone on board the flight.
"If you look at his professional background, he had experience abroad, exams and experience with the Bolivian Air Force."
Quiroga, known as Micky, was a father of to three children aged five months to four-years-old.
He graduated with the Bolivian Air Force academy in 2002 but retired from the military five years ago to be a commercial pilot and spend more time with his family.
Flight data shows the plane circled several times before the disaster after declaring an electrical failure.

People attend a candlelight vigil for victims of the Chapecoense plane crash

Chapecoense players depicted as angels in touching cartoon tribute posted on Facebook page
(Photo: Facebook/Associação Chapecoense de Futebol)

It had been suggested Quiroga may have heroically dumped fuel in a bid to prevent an explosion on impact. But reports in Colombia claim Flight 2933 was asked to circle at 21,000ft as it neared Medellin because another incoming flight had an an "abnormality" on board and was given priority.
Moments later, the plane suddenly lost all power and plummeted into the hills. The 2,972km flight path from Santa Cruz in Bolivia to Medellin was right at the edge of the aircraft's capacity. It had been expected that if the plane ran low on fuel, it would stop in Bogota. But this did not happen, so it is understood the plane would have been almost empty by the time it got to Medellin.

Wreckage from the crash which killed 71 people (Photo: Getty Images)

Asked if the plane crashed due to a lack of fuel, General Gustavo Vargas, director of LaMia, said: “We’re looking into it, we're waiting for information from the investigation.
“But if he [the pilot] believed there wasn’t enough fuel, he would have gone to Bogota to refuel.
“Bogota Airport, according to the flight plan, was the alternative in any case."
“Before passing Bogota he would have had to make the decision; if there was enough fuel he should continue, but if anything had happened with the fuel, he should have stopped.”
Mr Vargas added: "It would seem that if the pilot continued on, it was because he was able to."
It has also emerged that Chapecoense had not intended for players to be on the plane in the first place.


They had initially planned to charter a flight directly from Brazil to Colombia.
But Brazilian authorities barred them from doing so because LaMia is not Brazilian or Colombian-owned, according to reports.
The decision was made to fly to Bolivia first, then on to the final destination in Colombia.
Just six people survived and today some of them have been speaking for the first time about the moments before impact.
Crew member ERWIN TUMIRI told how passengers were left terrified as the plane began to plummet to the ground.

(Photo: Ximena Suarez Otterburg/Facebook)
(Photo: Reuters)

He said: "I saved myself because I followed the emergency protocol, putting bags between my legs and put myself in the fetal position.
"I also saw how many passengers rose and began to scream."
Air stewardess Ximena Suarez, who was found hours after the crash near the wreckage, also described the horrifying moment the plane crashed to the ground.
Speaking to newspaper El Colombiano, she said: "The plane went out completely and had a sharp decline, followed by a big impact.”


[The pilot] MIGUEL ALEJANDRO QUIROGA MURAKAMI was in control when ithe flight crashed just 30km from its final destination of Medellin airport. [The Mirror, 30nov2016]

Pilot [Miguel Quiroga] in Colombia plane crash, who recently became a dad for the third time, lost his own father in an aviation accident as a baby

Source: The Thelegraph; Matt Roper; 30 november 2016 • 10:55AM

Pilot Miguel Quiroga with his wife and children CREDIT: FACEBOOK

Micky Quiroga and his wife Daniela Pinto with their children CREDIT: FACEBOOK

The pilot of the plane which crashed killing almost every member of a Brazilian first division football team lost his own father in a plane crash when he was still a baby, it emerged on Wednesday. And in a tragic twist of fate, MIGUEL QUIROGA [MIGUEL ALEJANDRO QUIROGA MURAKAMI], who was flying the doomed LaMia plane taking Chapecoense players to play in Colombia, himself became a father for the third time just weeks ago.

While the cause of the crash is not yet known, the 36-year-old pilot has been hailed a hero after it emerged he may have dumped fuel in the moments before the plane came down to stop it turning into a fireball on impact. The crash on the outskirts of Medellin in Colombia left 76 dead - but miraculously six survived, including three players.

Chapecoense players with pilot Miguel Quiroga on the flight before the crash CREDIT:XPOSUREPHOTOS.COM

Friends and family of Miguel - known as Micky - today paid tribute to the experienced aviator, a devoted father-of-three and husband who they claimed instinctively helped others. And they claimed that, rather than putting him off becoming a pilot, growing up without his father Eduardo made him more determined to follow the same career path - one in which he has now suffered the same fate.

Milena Quiroga, a cousin of the pilot, told how Bolivian-born Micky had recently applied for Brazilian nationality after setting up home in Brazil with his wife and three children, who are all Brazilian. And she remembered how, despite having to grow up without him, he studied obsessively to be a pilot like his late father, to the detriment of his social life.

She said: "His father suffered an accident when Miguel was still a baby, but he always wanted to following this career.

People attend a mass in memoriam of the players of Chapecoense team  CREDIT: AFP

"He went in to the air force so he could become a pilot, and become a commercial pilot, so he could have better quality of life. I kept in touch with him through social networks because he never stopped, he worked a lot. My cousin loved aviation. He was a person who was happy and professionally fulfilled."
She said that among Micky's friends and colleagues he was known as a person who valued family life. The couple, who already had a son and a daughter, recently had another child.

She said: "If he spent three months away from home travelling he would come home and stay in his house with his children, take them out, they were his treasure."

Meanwhile in the remote Brazilian town where Micky and his wife Daniela Pinto were building their lives, the Bolivian pilot was held in high esteem because of his efforts to make life better for those around him.

Married to the daughter of an ex-Brazilian senator, Roger Pinto, the couple, who had three children, had been constructing a home in Epitaciolandia, on the border with Bolivia in the northern Brazilian state of Acre.

Police officers and rescue workers search for survivors around the wreckage of the plane CREDIT: AP

According to reports, the couple often used their status and connections to push for investment in the town, while the pilot had used his own money to fund improvements.
Micky's cousin Kris Quiroga, an architect, summed up the good feeling towards him in post on a local news website: "Today I woke up with the worst news of my life. Today I lost my cousin.. my brother.. and my prince of my 15th birthday party.. my super hero! "A good person, with a beautiful family, full of stories, marvellous experiences and I was his fan! "Today you went to be with your father (Uncle Eduardo) and your brother, who must be very proud of you and who are welcoming you with open arms. "Here we will miss you and will keep the memories of all the moments that we spent together, and the certainty that you did everything possible to save everyone who was on that plane."

Pilot Micky Quiroga with a signed football CREDIT: FACEBOOK

Born in the northern Bolivian city of Cobija, Micky went to military college and graduated as a pilot in the Bolivian Air Force (FAB), where he gained experience flying over the Bolivian Amazon. He rose to the rank of "official aviator" before starting a career in commercial flights.

According to reports, he was a co-owner of the LaMia Corporation, and had commanded aircraft on flights to Europe and other parts of the world.

Mario Pchecho, press officer for LaMia, told Bolivian El Deber newspaper that the company has three planes, two of which are currently undergoing maintenance work. He said that while the planes are owned by Venezuelans, the company itself is owned by Micky and his partner, Marco Antonio Rocha.

Micky regularly piloted flights chartered by football teams on his planes, had flown the Bolivian and Argentinian national sides and had already transported Chapecoense on other trips, many of whose players already considered him a close friend.

On his Facebook page, Micky had posted pictures with the Chapecoense team, including one of them eating together in a restaurant and another of a football signed by footballers, taken at Medellin airport.

And last month he posted a plane headrest cover signed by Lionel Messi when the company had transported the Argentina side to Belo Horizonte, Brazil, to play a World Cup group game.

Flightradar24 received last ADS-B signal from #LMI2933 at 15,500 feet - about 30 km from destination MDE airport located at ~7,000 feet. 3:15 AM - 29 Nov 2016

AVISO AOS NAVEGANTES! Internet civilizada 4.0:
NOTAS DO EDITOR do Blog Ronald.Arquiteto e do Facebook Ronald Almeida Silva:

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Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 02jun1947; reside em São Luís, MA, Brasil desde 1976.
Arquiteto Urbanista FAU-UFRJ 1972 / Registro profissional CAU-BR A.107.150-5
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Facebook ronaldealmeida.silva.1

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