segunda-feira, 9 de julho de 2018




Source: Sky News Breaking; Staff writers, AP, AFP; News Corp AUSTRALIA Network; JULY 6, 20187:19PM
Access RAS 2018-07-09

A former Thai Navy Seal diver’s death [SAMARN KUNAN, 38] from a lack of oxygen has raised serious concerns about how much air the boys and their soccer coach have access to inside the cave.

Chiang rai governor NARONGSAK OSOTTHANAKOR, said oxygen levels have been reduced by the rescue workers going into the cave system.

The Guardian reports that officials are now working to get a five kilometre-long cable into the cave to supply them with more air.
The move comes after Thai SEAL commander APAKORN YOOKONGKAEW told a news conference on Friday that the rescuer was working in a volunteer capacity.

The diver, identified as SAMARN KUNAN, was coming back from a spot inside the Tham Luang cave where the group were located when his supplies ran short.

On his way back he lost consciousness,” said APAKORN, adding that a friend had tried to help bring him out.
“But even though we have lost one man, we still have faith to carry out our work.”

APAKORN also indicated that rescuers may have little choice but to attempt the tricky extraction of the group in comments on Friday, in the first official admission that they cannot wait out the monsoon underground.

“At first, we thought the children could stay for a long time... but now things have changed, we have a limited time,” he said.

SAMARN KUNAN, ex Thai navy seal, who died during the attempt to rescue soccer team trapped in a flooded cave. Picture: TwitterSource:Supplied
Former Thai Navy SEAL SAMARN KUNAN, has died while trying to help rescue the young football team trapped in a cave in Thailand. Picture: SuppliedSource:News Corp Australia

Asked how the boys could make it out safely if an experienced diver could not, Apakorn said they would take more precautions with children.
The diver’s body has been sent to Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi airport.

Thai authorities are racing to pump out water from a flooded cave where 12 boys and their soccer coach have been trapped since June 23.
Foreign Minister JULIE BISHOP said the Australian government has sent condolences to the diver’s family and the Thai government.

“We are at a very critical stage. Some very serious decisions will have to be made over the next few days. Hopefully not weeks to see how these boys and the football coach can be rescued safely. Australia already has 14 personnel on the ground, from the Federal Police, defence force, and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade,” she said.

Former Thai navy Seal diver SAMAN KUNAN dies [today] inside cave from lack of air [06jul2018]

Ø The former Seal, SAMAN KUNAN, died around 1am on Friday morning [06jul2018] after he was returning from placing air tanks along the roughly 3.2km route to the boys, the current method for replenishing the air supply in the cave.
Ø Maintaining air supplies has emerged as a top priority as rescuers face the prospect of the boys sitting out the monsoon inside the cave

Source: The Guardian; Michael Safi and Jacob Goldberg in Mae Sai; Fri 6 Jul 2018 07.25 BST; Fri 6 Jul 2018 05.27 BST

SAMAN KUNAN, the former Thai navy seal who died [Friday; 01:00 A.M.; 06jul2018] after returning from placing air tanks along the route to the boys.

A former Thai navy Seal has died from lack of air while placing air tanks inside the cave where 12 boys have been stranded for nearly two weeks.

Maintaining air supplies inside the cave emerged as the “top priority” on Friday as rescuers increasingly planned for the prospect of the boys remaining underground throughout the monsoon season that ends in October.

The presence of hundreds of rescue workers inside the cave has been depleting the air supply the boys have been relying on, with oxygen inside their chamber down to about 15%, deputy army commander CHALONGCHAI CHAIYAKHAM said at a briefing on Friday.

Normal oxygen levels in the air are about 21%. CHAIYAKHAM said he was unsure how long the boys could survive in such conditions. “I’m not a medical person. I can’t answer that,” he said. Divers have released 30 tanks of air to try to restore healthy levels.

Updates from authorities throughout the week have emphasised the dangers of shepherding the boys through the cave to the exit, but the oxygen issues that emerged on Friday are an acknowledgement that keeping the boys in place during the monsoon is also risky.

“At first we thought that we could sustain the kids’ lives for a long time where they are now, but now many things have changed,” said Rear Adm ARPAKORN YOOKONGKAEW, the Thai navy Seal commander. “We have a limited amount of time.”

The former Seal, identified as SAMAN KUNAN, died around 1am on Friday [06jul2018] morning after he was returning from placing air tanks along the roughly 3.2km route to the boys, the current method for replenishing the air supply in the cave.

 'We'll bring the kids home': footage emerges of Thai rescue diver who died – video

KUNAN became unconscious while making the return journey to “chamber 3”, around 1.5km inside the cave. A diving buddy tried to revive him but was unsuccessful. His body has been sent to Bangkok airport and he will receive a royal-sponsored funeral.

“These accidents can happen sometimes to anyone in the field, but we will go ahead and keep working,” said Yookongkaew. “Our morale is still strong.”

He was asked how the 12 boys, at least two of who are said to be in a weakened state, could survive a journey through a cave that killed an adult former Seal.

“It’s different,” he said. “The Seals are the workers, they work to rescue, it’s a different standard to the kids. The boys are like the egg in the stone,” he said, a Thai expression suggesting the children were considered extremely fragile and would be treated with care.

With rain falling on the site in northern Thailand and monsoon showers predicted for Saturday, rescuers were planning for how the boys might survive another four months inside the cave they have been stuck in since 23 June 2018.


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Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 02jun1947; reside em São Luís, MA, Brasil desde 1976.
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